PC Solutions

We have a range of Industrial PCs, Control Cabinet PCs and Miniature PC solutions for our machine vision installations. Our latest generation of systems run under Windows 7, 64 bit and have also been tested with Windows 8. All our systems include dual hard drives to provide peace of mind for immediate back-up in case of hard drive failure.

Industrial PCs are generally used to provide robust industrial image processing in a standard 19” format with proven industrial hard drives, power supply units and 2.5” removable disc caddy systems. Systems can communicate with the PLC through Industrial Ethernet, Digital I/O and SQL Databases. Ideal for multi-camera vision system requirements.

Our Control Cabinet PC solutions can be mounted directly on the DIN rail in a control cabinet and generally have 2 camera inputs as standard, running Windows 7 embedded they offer a robust, small form factor where space is tight. Ideal for 1 or 2 camera vision systems.

Our Miniature PC solutions offer a small form factor but combined with the ability to provide additional control elements and upgrades for multi-camera connections as required. Ideal for 3-4 camera vision systems or where space is tight.

Get in touch

    Need expert help specifying your vision system requirements? Please contact IVS by filling in the form below and we will respond to you within 24 hours.