How to create data-driven manufacturing using automated vision metrology systems

Applying automated vision metrology technologies for process control before, during and after assembly and machining/moulding is now a prerequisite in any production environment, especially in the orthopaedic and additive manufacturing industries. This month, we’re drilling down on the data and knowledge you can create for your manufacturing process when deploying vision metrology systems for production quality control. Let’s face it – we all want to know where we are versus the production schedule!

What are “vision metrology” systems and machines?

It’s the use of non-contact vision systems and machines using metrology grade optics, lighting and software algorithms to allow increased throughput of quality control inspection and data collection in real-time for the production process.

What are the benefits of vision metrology systems?

Before we look at the data available on such systems and how they can be utilised to create data-driven production decisions, we should look at the benefits of automated vision metrology systems. This, combined with the data output, clearly focuses on why such systems should be deployed in today’s production environments.

Increased throughput. One of the main drivers and benefits of using automated vision metrology systems is the higher throughput compared to older contact and probing CMM approaches. Coupled with integration into autoload and autotending options, the higher production rates of deploying automated vision metrology allow for faster production and increased output from the factory door.

Better yields. As the systems are non-contact, there is no chance of damage or marking of the product, which is the risk with probing and contact inspection solutions. Checking quality through automated vision allows yields to improve across the production process.

Faster reaction to manufacturing issues. Data is king in the fast-moving production environment. Real-time defect detection, seeing spikes in quality and identifying quality issues quicker, allows production managers to react faster to changes or faults in manufacturing faults. Vision metrology allows immediate review and analysis of statistical process control on a batch, shift and ongoing basis. Monitor live progress of work orders as they happen.

Less downtime. With no contact points and fewer moving parts, maintenance downtime is minimal when applying automated vision metrology machines. Maintenance can be used for other tasks and increases productivity across the manufacturing floor.

Guarantees your quality level. Ultimately, the automated vision metrology machine is a goal-keeper. This allows the quality and production team to sleep easy, knowing that parts are not only being inspected, but also providing warranty protection via a photo save of every product through production.

How do we get data from an automated vision metrology quality control system?

This is where the use of such vision technology gets interesting. The central aspect is the quality control and automated checking of crucial measurements (usually critical to quality CTQ characteristics). Still, the data driving the quality decision is paramount for the manager. The overall data covers a range of data objects that could potentially be needed when running a modern manufacturing plant. These include OEE data, SPC information, shift records, KPI metrics, continuous improvement information, root cause analysis, and data visualisation.

OEE Data (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). The simplest way to calculate OEE is the ratio of fully productive time to planned production time. Fully productive time is just another way of saying manufacturing only good parts as quickly as possible (at the ideal cycle time) with no stop time. A complete OEE analysis includes availability (run time/planned production time), performance ((ideal cycle time x total count)/run time) and quality (good count/total count). The vision metrology data set allows this data to be easily calculated. The data is stored within the automated vision metrology device or sent directly to the factory information system.

Statistical Process Control (SPC) is used in industrial manufacturing quality control to manage, monitor, and maintain production processes. The formal term is “the use of statistical techniques to control a process or production method”. The idea is to make a process as efficient as possible while producing products within conformance specifications with as little scrap as possible. Vision metrology allows vital characteristics to be analysed at speed on 100% of product, compared to the slow, manual load CMM route. SPC data can be displayed on the vision system HMI, and immediate decisions can be made on the process performance and data presentation.

Shift records are part of the validation and access control system for the vision system used in vision metrology. This stops operators from accessing certain features and logging all information against a specific shift operator or team. Data analytics allow trends in operator handling and contribute to the data provided by the system. You may see a spike in quality concerns from a specific shift or operator; these trends can easily be tracked and traced.

KPI metrics are Key Performance Indicators normally specific to the manufacturing site. However, these invariably include monitoring the quality statistics, OEE, process parameters, environmental factors (e.g. temperature and humidity), shift data, downtime and metrology measurements. This is all part of understanding how certain situations impact the output from processes and how levels can be maintained.

Continuous Improvement is the process to improve a manufacturing facility’s product and service quality. Therefore, the data and images from any automated vision metrology machine play an important role in providing live data related to Six Sigma and real-time monitoring of the ppm (parts per million) failure rate within the facility.

Root cause analysis of manufacturing issues is challenging without tangible data from a quality inspection source. The ability to review product images at the point of inspection (with the date and time stamped information), coupled with the specific measurement data, allows easier and quicker root cause analysis when problems crop up.

Data visualisation is now built into modern automated vision metrology systems. The production manager and operators can see quality concerns, spikes in rejects, counts of good and bad, shift data, and live SPC all in a single screen. This can be displayed locally or sent immediately to the factory information system.

By utilising the latest-generation automated vision metrology systems manufacturers can now build a fully-integrated data driven production environment. They are allowing easier control based on accurate, immediate information and photos of products running through production.

The ultimate guide to Unique Device Identification (UDI) directives for medical devices (and how to comply!)

This month, we’re talking about the print you see on medical devices and in-vitro products used for the traceability and serialisation of the product – called the UDI or Unique Device Identification mark. In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, new niche manufacturers and big medical device industrial corporations find themselves at a crossroads. Change has arrived within the Medical Device Regulation, and many large and small companies have yet to strike the right chord, grappling with the choices and steps essential to orchestrate compliance to the latest specifications. Automated vision systems are required at every stage of the production and packaging stages to confirm compliance and adherence to the standards for UDI. Vision systems ensure quality and tracking and provide a visible record (through photo save) of every product stage during production, safeguarding medical devices, orthopaedic and in-vitro product producers.


What is UDI?

The UDI system identifies medical devices uniformly and consistently throughout their distribution and use by healthcare providers and consumers. Most medical devices are required to have a UDI on their label and packaging, as well as on the product itself for select devices.

Each medical device must have an identification code: the UDI is a one-of-a-kind code that serves as the “access key” to the product information stored on EUDAMED. The UDI code can be numeric or alphanumeric and is divided into two parts:

DI (Device Identifier): A unique, fixed code (maximum of 25 digits) that identifies a device’s version or model and its maker.

Production Identifier (PI): It is a variable code associated with the device’s production data, such as batch number, expiry date, manufacturing date, etc. UDI-DI codes are supplied by authorised agencies such as GS1, HIBCC, ICCBBA, or IFA and can be freely selected by the MD maker.


UDIs have been phased in over time, beginning with the most dangerous equipment, such as heart valves and pacemakers. So, what’s the latest directive on this?

Navigating the Terrain of MDR and IVDR: Anticipating Challenges

The significant challenges presented by the European Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) 2017/745 have come to the fore since its enactment on May 26th, 2021. This regulatory overhaul supersedes the older EU directives, namely MDD and AIMDD. A pivotal aspect of the MDR is its stringent oversight of medical device manufacturing, compelling the display of a unique code for traceability throughout the supply chain – this allows full traceability through the process from the manufacture of the medical device to the final consumer use.

Adding to the regulatory landscape, the In-Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR) 2017/746 debuted on May 26th, 2022. This regulation seamlessly replaced the previous In-Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVDMD) regulation, further shaping the intricate framework governing in-vitro diagnostics. The concurrent implementation of MDR and IVDR ushers in a new era of compliance and adaptability for medical devices and diagnostics stakeholders.

What are the different classes of UDI?

Risk Profile Notify or Self-Assessment Medical Devices In-Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices
High Risk to Low Risk Notified Body Approval Required Pacemakers, Heart Valves, Implanted cerebral simulators Class III Class D Hepatitis B blood-donor screening, ABO blood grouping
Condoms, Lung ventilators, Bone fixation plate Class IIb Class C Blood glucose self-testing, PSA screening, HLA typing
Dental fillings, Surgical clamps, Tracheomotoy Tubes Class IIa Class B Pregnancy self-testing, urine test strips, cholesterol self-testing
Self-Assessment Wheelchairs, spectacles, stethoscopes Class I Class A Clinical chemical analysers, specimen receptacles, prepared selective culture media

Deadlines for the classification to come into force

Implementing the new laws substantially influences many medical devices and in-vitro device companies, which is why the specified compliance dates have been prioritised based on the risk class to which the devices belong. Medical device manufacturers must adopt automated inspection into their processes to track and confirm that the codes are on their products in time for the impending deadlines.

The Act recognises four types of medical devices and four categories of in-vitro devices, which are classified in ascending order based on the degree of risk they provide to public health or the patient.

2023 2025 2027
UDI marking on DM Class III Class I
Direct UDI marking on reusable DM Class III Class II Class I
UDI marking on in-vitro devices (IVD) Class D Class C & B Class A

The term “unique” does not imply that each medical device must be serialised individually but must display a reference to the product placed on the market. In fact, unlike in the pharmaceutical industry, serialisation of devices in the EU is only required for active implantable devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators.

EUDAMED is the European Commission’s IT system for implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR) and Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in-vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDR). The EUDAMED system contains a central database for medical and in-vitro devices, which is made up of six modules.

EUDAMED is currently used on a voluntary basis for modules that have been made available. The connection to EUDAMED must take place within six months of the release of all platform modules that are fully functioning.

Data can be exchanged with EUDAMED in three methods, depending on the amount of data to be loaded and the required level of automation.

The “visible” format of the UDI is the UDI Carrier, which must contain legible characters in both HRI and AIDC formats. The UDI must be displayed on the device’s label, primary packaging, and all upper packaging layers representing a sealable unit.

These rules mean medical device manufacturers need reliable, traceable automated vision inspection to provide the track and trace capability for automatic aggregation and confirmation of the UDI process.

The UDI is a critical element of the medical device manufacturing process, and therefore, applying vision systems with automated Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Optical Character Verification (OCV) in conjunction with Print Quality Inspection (PQI) is required for manufacturers to guarantee that they comply with the legislation.

But what are the differences between Optical Character Recognition (OCR) vs Optical Character Verification (OCV) vs Print Quality Inspection (PQI)?
We get asked this often, and how you apply the vision system technology is critical for traceability. To comply with UDI legislation, medical device manufacturers must check that their products comply with the requirements and track them through the production process. Whether you use OCR, OCV, or PQI depends on the manufacturer stage and where you are in the manufacturing process.


Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Optical character recognition is based on the need to identify a character from the image presented, effectively recognise the character, and output a string based on the characters “read”. The vision system has no prior knowledge of the string. It therefore mimics the human behaviour of reading from left to right (or any other orientation) the sequence it sees.
You can find more information on OCR here.

Optical Character Verification (OCV)
Optical character verification differs from recognition as the vision system has been told in advance what string it should expect to “read”, and usually, with a class of characters it should expect in a given location. Most UDI vision systems will utilise OCV, as opposed to OCR, as the master database, line PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), cell PLC and laser/label printer should all know what will be marked. Therefore, the UDI vision system checks that the characters marked are verified and readable in that correct location (and have been marked). This then allows for the traceability through the process through nodes of OCV systems throughout the production line.
You can find more information on OCV here.

Print Quality Inspection (PQI)

Print quality inspection methods differ considerably from the identification methods discussed so far. The idea is straightforward: an ideal template of the print to be verified is stored; this template does not necessarily have to be taken from a physically existing ‘‘masterpiece’’, it could also be computer-generated. Next, an image containing all the differences between the ideal template and the current test piece is created. Simply, this can be done by subtracting the reference image from the current image. But applying this method directly in a real-world context will show very quickly that it will always detect considerable deviations between the reference template and test piece, regardless of the actual print quality. This is a consequence of inevitable position variations and image capture and transfer inaccuracies. A change in position by a single pixel will result in conspicuous print defects along every edge of the image. So, print quality inspection is looking for the difference between the print trained and the print found. Therefore, PQI will pick up missing parts of characters, breaks in characters, streaks, lines across the pack and general gross defects of the print.

You can find more information on PQI here.


What about Artificial Intelligence (AI) with OCR/OCV for UDI?

Where we’ve been discussing OCR and OCV, we’ve assumed that the training class is based either on a standard OCR font (a unique sans-serif font created in the early days of vision inspection to provide a consistent font, recognisable by humans and vision systems), or a trainable, repeatable fixed font. OCR with AI is a comprehensive deep-learning-based OCR (or OCV) method. This innovative technology advances machine vision towards human reading. AI OCR can localise characters far more robustly than conventional algorithms, regardless of orientation, font type, or polarity. The capacity to automatically arrange characters enables the recognition of entire words. This significantly improves recognition performance because misinterpreting characters with similar appearances is avoided. Large images can be handled more robustly with this technique, and the AI OCR result offers a list of character candidates with matching confidence ratings, which can be utilised to improve the recognition results further. Users benefit from enhanced overall stability and the opportunity to address a broader range of potential applications due to expanded character support. Sometimes, this approach can be used. However, it should be noted that it can make validation difficult due to the need for a data set prior to learning, compared to a traditional setup.

Do all my UDI vision inspection systems require validation?

Yes, all the vision systems for UDI inspection must be validated to GAMP/ISPE levels. Having the systems in place is one thing, but the formal testing and validation paperwork is needed to comply fully with the legislation. You can find more information on validation in one of our blog articles here.


Industrial vision systems allow for the 100% inspection of medical devices at high production speeds, providing a final gatekeeper to prevent any rogue product from exiting the factory gates. These systems, in combination with factory information communication and track & trace capability, allow the complete tracking of products to UDI standards through the factory process.

Machine vision vs computer vision vs image processing

We’re often asked – what’s the difference between machine vision and computer vision, and how do they both compare with image processing? It’s a valid question as the two seemingly similar fields of machine vision and computer vision both relate to the interpretation of digital images to produce a result from the image processing of photos or images.

What is machine vision?
Machine vision has become a key technology in the area of quality control and inspection in manufacturing. This is due to increasing quality demands and the improvements it offers over and above human vision and manual operation.

It is the ability of a machine to consequentially sense an object, capture an image of that object, and then process and analyse the information for decision-making.

In essence, machine vision enables manufacturing equipment to ‘see’ and ‘think’. It is an exciting field that combines technologies and processes to automate complex or mundane visual inspection tasks and precisely guide manufacturing activity. In an industrial context, it is often referred to as ‘Industrial Vision’ or ‘Vision Systems’. As the raw image in machine vision are generally captured by a camera connected to the system in “real-time” (compared to computer vision), the disciplines of physics relating to optical technology, lighting and filtering are also part of the understanding in the machine vision world.

So, how does this compare to computer vision and image processing?
There is a great deal of overlap between the various disciplines, but there are clear distinctions between the groups.

Input Output
Image processing Image is processed using algorithms to correct, edit or process an image to create a new better image. Enhanced image is returned.
Computer vision Image/video is analysed using algorithms in often uncontrollable/unpredictable circumstances. Image understanding, prediction & learning to inform actions such as segmentation, recognition & reconstruction.
Machine vision Use of camera/video to analyse images in industrial settings under more predictable circumstances. Image understanding & learning to inform manufacturing processes.

Image processing has its roots in neurobiology and scientific analysis. This was primarily down to the limitations of processor speeds when image processing came into the fore in the 1970’s and 1980’s—for example, processing single images following the capture from a microscope-mounted camera.

When processors became quicker and algorithms for image processing became more adept at high throughput analysis, image processing moved into the industrial environment, and industrial line control was added to the mix. For the first time, this allowed an analysis of components, parts and assemblies as part of an automated assembly line to be quantified, checked and routed dependent on the quality assessment, so machine vision (the “eyes of the production line”) was born. Unsurprisingly, the first industry to adopt this technology en mass was the PCB and semiconductor manufacturers, as the enormous boom in electronics took place during the 1980s.

Computer vision crosses the two disciplines, creating a Venn diagram of overlap between the three areas, as shown below.

Machine vision vs computer vision vs image processing

As you can see, the work on artificial intelligence relating to deep learning has its roots in computer vision. Still, over the last few years, this has moved over into machine vision, as the image processing learnt from biological vision, coupled with cognitive vision moves slowly into the area of general purpose machine vision & vision systems. It’s rarely a two-way street, but some machine vision research moves back into computer vision and general image processing worlds. Given the more extensive reach of the computer vision industry, compared to the more niche machine vision industry, new algorithms and developments are driven by the broader computer vision industry.

Machine vision, computer vision and image processing are now broadly intertwined, and the developments across each sector have a knock-on effect on the growth of new algorithms in each discipline.

IVS helps global contact lens manufacturers achieve error-free lenses (at speed!)

This month, we are talking about automated visual inspection of cosmetic defects in contact lens inspection, a major area of expertise in the IVS portfolio. Contact lens production falls between medical device manufacturing and pharmaceuticals manufacturing, but it does mean that it falls within the GAMP/ISPE/FDA validation requirements when it comes to manufacturing quality and line validation.

The use of vision technology for the inspection of contact lenses is intricate. Due to the wide variety of lens profiles, powers, and types (such as spherical, toric, aspherical etc.), manufacturers historically relied on human operators to visually verify each lens before it was shipped to a customer. Cosmetic defects in lenses range from scratches and inclusions, through to edge defects, mould polymerisation problems and overall deformity in the contact lens.

The Challenge: Manual Checks are Prone to Human-Error and are Slow!

The global contact lens industry must maintain the highest standards of quality due to the specialist nature of its products. Errors or faults in contact lenses can lead to negative recalls, financial losses, or a drop in brand loyalty and integrity – all issues that could otherwise be very difficult to rectify. However, manually checking lenses has become extremely time-consuming, inefficient, and error-prone. Due to the brain’s tendency to rectify errors naturally, human error is a common cause of oversights. This makes it next to impossible to spot faults by hand, therefore many errors are missed, and contact lens defects can be passed to the consumer.

Coupled with this, many global contact lens manufacturing brands run their production at high speed, which means using human inspectors simply becomes untenable based on the volume and speed of production; so in the last twenty-five years, contact lens manufacturers have moved to high-speed, high-accuracy automated visual inspection, negating the need for manual checks.

To ensure their products’ quality, accuracy, and consistency, many of the world’s top contact lens manufacturing brands have turned to IVS to solve their automated inspection and verification problems. This can be either wet or dry contact lens inspection, depending on the specific nature of the production process.

The Solution: Minimize Errors and Ensure Quality Through IVS Automated Visual Inspection

IVS contact lens inspection solutions have been developed over many years based on a deep and long heritage in contact lens inspection and the required FDA/GAMP validation. The vision system drills down on the specific contact lens defects, allowing finite, highly accurate quality checks and inspection coupled with the latest generation AI vision inspection techniques. This allows the maximum yield achievable, coupled with full reporting and statistical analysis, to give the data feedback to the factory information system, providing real-time, reliable information to the contact lens manufacturer. Failed lenses are rejected, allowing 100% quality inspected contact lenses to be packed and shipped.

IVS have inspection systems for manual load, automated and high-speed contact lens inspection, allowing our solutions to cover the full range of contact lens manufacturers – from small start-ups to the major high-level production volume producers. Whatever the size of your contact lens production, we have validated solutions to FDA/ISPE/GAMP for automated contact lens inspection.

Contact lens manufacturers now have no requirement for manual visual inspection by operators; this can all be achieved through validated automated visual inspection of cosmetic defects, providing high-yield, high-throughput quality inspection results.

More details:

4 common red flags in your product design that will cause you trouble during automated vision inspection

This month, we’re going to discuss the aspects of design in your product which could affect the ability to apply automated visual inspection using vision systems to the production process. This can be a frustrating aspect for the engineering and quality managers when they’ve been asked to safeguard bad products going out of the door using machine vision, but there has been no attempt up the chain at the product design stages to either design the product in an effective way to make it simple to manufacture or to apply vision inspection to the process. Once the design has been signed off and validated, it’s often extremely difficult to get small changes instigated, and engineering is then tasked with the mass production and assembly of a product, with in-line visual inspection required.

Very often in medical device manufacturing, due to the long lifetime and cycles of products, the design was conceived months, or even years before it goes through a process of small batch production, before moving to mass production at high run rates – all this with the underlining aspect of validation to GAMP and FDA production protocols. This is the point when automated inspection will be integral to the quality and safeguarding of the consumer as part of the manufacturing process.

From our experience, we see the following red flags which could have been addressed at the design phase, which make the vision system more difficult to design and run.

1. Variants. Often, there can be too many variants of a product with additional variants of sub-assemblies, which means the number of final product variations can run to hundreds. While the vision system may be able to cope with this variation, it makes set-up more costly and ongoing maintenance more difficult. Sometimes, these variations are due to multiple customers down the line wanting subtle changes or unique part numbers, which the design team happily accommodate with no thought on the impact on the manufacturing process. The more variation which can be removed from the design phase, the easier and more cost-effective a solution for machine vision inspection will be.

2. Lack of specification in surface/material conditions. The settings for a machine vision system will depend on a product’s surface and material conditions. This is especially critical in surface inspection or any process where the segmentation of the background is required from the foreground – so presence verification, inclusion detection and even edge detection for gauging and measurement in machine vision. Suppose conditions vary too much due to a lack of specification on colour or surface being included in the design. This variation can make the vision system more susceptible to false failures or higher maintenance. While latest-generation artificial intelligence (AI) vision systems are making such analysis easier and less prone to failure in these conditions, having as little deviation in your incoming image quality for vision inspection makes sense. The design should include a specification on the surface conditions expected for repeatable manufacturing and inspection, which, for example, in plastic mould colour specification can be challenging to specify.

3. Inability to see the inspection area. In the past, we’ve been asked to automatically inspect surfaces which can’t be seen due to a lack of clear view from any angle. The product’s design is such that perhaps datum edges and points are too far away and not easily accessible. The design could be such that an overhang or other feature obscures the view. This is often the case in large sub-assemblies where the datum edge can be in a completely different area and angle to the area where vision inspection will be applied. Design engineers should assess the feasibility of applying automated inspection to the process to account for how easily the vision system can access certain areas and conditions. We often discuss such applications with manufacturing engineers, with the frustration from their side that the design engineers could have incorporated cut-outs or areas which would have provided a clear line of sight for the vision system to be applied.

4. Handling. Products should be designed to be easily handled, fed and presented to a vision system as part of the process. There will nearly always be a contact surface on tooling for handling, which will then limit the area where the vision system can view. Sometimes, this surface requires critical inspection, and the site is obscured due to the product’s design. For example, in syringe body inspection, the plastic body can be held by the top and the bottom and rotated, meaning some areas of the mould are not visible. If a lip had been designed in, the part could have been inspected twice, held differently, thus providing 100% inspection of the entire surface. Small design changes can impact both the manufacturing and automated vision inspection process. Smaller products can be inspected on glass dials and fixtures to mitigate this issue, but the design team should consider these issues at the start of the design process.

Product design needs to get input from the manufacturing and quality team early in the design process. Now vision systems are a standard part of the modern automated production process and an invaluable tool in the industry 4.0 flexible production concept; thought needs to be given to how subtle design changes and more detailed specification requirements on colour and surface quality in the design stage can help the integration and robust use of vision systems.

Connecting your vision system to the factory, everything you need to know

There has been a rapid move over the last few years from using vision systems not just for stand-alone, in-line quality control processes, but to drill down and use the information which is created, assessed and archived through the automated vision system.

When vision systems first started being used in numbers in the early 1990’s, the only real option of connection to the production line PLC (programmable logic controller) was through hardwired digital I/O (PNP/NPN), simply acting like a relay to make a decision on product quality and then to trigger a reject arm or air blast to remove the rogue product. The next evolution from there was to start to save some of the basic data at the same time as the inspection process took place. Simple statistics on how many products had passed the vision system inspection and how many had been rejected. This data could then either be displayed on the PLC HMI in simple form or via rudimentary displays on the vision system. From there, communication started with the RS-232 serial line, and this morphed into USB and onto TCP/IP.

The Fieldbus protocol was the next evolution of communication with vision systems. From the standpoint of the user, the fieldbus looked to be state-based, similar to digital I/O. In reality, the data was exchanged serially through a network. Because these messages were sent on a clock cycle, the information was delayed. The benefit of Fieldbus over digital I/O was that each data exchange package of several hundred to 1,000 bytes was exchanged. PROFIBUS, CC-Link, CANopen, and DeviceNet were among the first protocols to be created. While fieldbuses of the first generation utilised serial connections to exchange data, fieldbuses of the second generation used Ethernet. As a result, the technology was sometimes referred to as “Industrial Ethernet” as it evolved, but the term’s meaning is slightly ambiguous.

When compared to serial data transfer, Ethernet enables substantially more data to be sent. However, using Ethernet as a fieldbus medium has the problem of having non-deterministic transmission timings. To obtain enough real-time performance, several Industrial Ethernet protocols such as PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, Ethernet Powerlink, or EtherCAT typically expanded the Ethernet standard (to the Common Industrial Protocol, CIP). For PC-based vision systems, some of these expansions are implemented in hardware, which necessitates the insertion of an expansion card in the vision controller unit.

So, the big evolution came with the support of this “industrial ethernet” communication, so vision systems now use a unified standard supporting real-time Ethernet and Fieldbus systems for PC-based automation. This allows for data to be transferred and exchanged with the PLC through ethernet protocols on a single connection. The benefit is the reduction in complex and costly cabling, easy integration and fast deployment of vision systems. Ethernet is characterised by the large amount of data that can be transferred.

This allows for the seamless and simple integration with all standard PLCs, such as Allen-Bradley, Siemens, Schneider, Omron and others – directly to the vision systems controller unit. Vision system data can be displayed on the PLC HMI, along with the vision HMI, where required.

The most common protocols are:
Profinet — This industrial communications protocol is defined by Profibus International and allows vision systems to communicate with Siemens PLCs and other factory automation devices which support the protocol.

EtherNet/IP — This Rockwell-defined protocol enables a vision system to connect to Allen-Bradley PLCs and other devices.

ModBus/TCP — This industrial network protocol is defined by Schneider Electric and permits direct connectivity to PLCs and other devices over Ethernet.

This progress was and is being accompanied by an increase in the resolutions of industrial cameras. Industrial cameras for machine vision inspection are not always up to date with the commercial world of smartphones. This is largely because the quality necessary for automatic vision assessment is considerably greater than the quality required for merely seeing a photo (i.e. you don’t worry about a dead pixel when looking at your holiday pics!). As a preserved picture archive for end-of-line photo archiving in an industrial environment, high-resolution image quality is now important. In addition to connecting to the line PLC, vision systems must now link to the whole factory network environment and industrial information systems. Vision systems may now interact directly with production databases, with every image of every product leaving the factory gates being taken, recorded and time-stamped, and even linked to a batch or component number via serial number tracking. Now, vision systems are not only used as a goalkeeper to stop bad products from going out the door, but also as a warranty protection providing tangible image data for historic record keeping.

In conclusion, the industrial ethernet connection is now the easiest and fastest way to integrate vision system devices into an automated environment. The ease of connection, the lower cost of cabling, and the use of standard protocols make it a simple and effective method for high-speed communication, coupled with database connections for further image and data collection from the vision system. Vision systems are now linked to complete factory line control and command centres for fully immersive data collection.

How vision systems are deployed for 100% cosmetic defect detection (with examples)

Cosmetic defects are the bane of manufacturers across all industries. Producing a product with the correct quality in terms of measurement, assembly, form, fit, and function is one thing – but cosmetic defects are more easily noticed and flagged by the customer and end-user of the product. Most of the time, they have no detrimental effect on the use or function of the product, component or sub-assembly, they just don’t look good! They are notoriously difficult for an inspection operator to spot and are therefore harder to check using traditional quality control methods. The parts can be checked on a batch or 100% basis for measurement and metrology checks, but you can’t batch-check for a single cosmetic defect in a high-speed production process. So for mass production medical device manufacturing at 300-500 parts per minute, using vision systems for automated cosmetic defect inspection is the only approach.

From medical device manufacturers, cosmetic defects might manifest themselves as inclusions, black spots, scratches, marks, chips, dents or a foreign body on the part. For automotive manufacturers, it could be the wrong position of a stitch on a seat body, defects on a component, a mark on a sub-assembly, or the gap and flush of the panels on a vehicle.

Using vision systems for automated cosmetic inspection is especially important for products going to the Japanese and the Asian markets. These markets are particularly sensitive to cosmetic issues on products, and medical device manufacturers need to use vision systems to 100% inspect every product produced to confirm that no cosmetic defects are present on their products. This could be syringe bodies, vials, needle tips, ampules, injector pen parts, contact lenses, medical components and wound care products. All need checking at speed during the manufacturing and high-speed assembly processes.

How are vision systems applied for automated cosmetic checks?

The key to applying vision systems for cosmetic visual inspection is the combination of camera resolutions, optics (normally telecentric in nature) and filters to bring out the specific defect to provide the ability to segment it from the natural variation and background of the product. Depending on the type of cosmetic defect that is being checked, it may also require a combination of either linescan, areascan or 3D camera acquisition. For example, syringe bodies or vials can be spun in front of a linescan camera to provide an “unrolled” view of the entire surface of the product.

Let’s drill down on some of the specific elements which are used, using the syringe body as a reference (though these methods can be applied to other product groups):

Absorbing defects

These defects are typically impurities, particulates, fibers and bubble. This needs a lighting technique with linescan to provide a contrasting element for these defects:

Hidden defects

These defects are typically “hidden” from view via the linescan method and so using a direct on-axis approach with multiple captures from an areascan sensor will provide the ability to notice surface defects such as white marks (on clear and glass products) and bubbles.

Cracks and scratch defects

A number of approaches can be taken for this, but typically applying an axial illuminiation with a combination of linescan rotation will provide the ability to identify cracks, scratches and clear fragments.

Why do we use telecentric optics in cosmetic defect detection?

Telecentric lenses are optics that only gather collimated light ray bundles (those that are parallel to the optical axis), hence avoiding perspective distortions. Because only rays parallel to the optical axis are admitted, telecentric lens magnification is independent of object position. Due to this distinguishing property, telecentric lenses are ideal for measuring and cosmetic inspection applications where perspective problems and variations in magnification might result in inconsistent measurements. The front element of a telecentric lens must be at least as large as the intended field of view due to its construction, rendering telecentric lenses insufficient for imaging very large components.

Fixed focal length lenses are entocentric, catching rays that diverge from the optical axis. This allows them to span wide fields of view, but because magnification varies with working distance, these lenses are not suitable for determining the real size of an item. Therefore, telecentric optics are well suited for cosmetic and surface defect detection, often combined with collimated lighting to provide the perfect silhouette of a product.

In conclusion, machine vision systems can be deployed effectively for 100% automated cosmetic defect detection. By combining the correct optics, lighting, filters and camera technology, manufacturers can use a robust method for 100% automated visual inspection of cosmetic and surface defects.

How to calibrate optical metrology systems to ensure precise measurements

Optical metrology systems play a crucial role in various industries, enabling accurate and reliable measurements for quality control, inspection, and manufacturing processes. To ensure precise and consistent results, it is essential to calibrate these systems meticulously. By understanding the significance of calibration, considering key factors, and implementing regular calibration practices, organizations can optimise the performance of these systems. Accurate measurements obtained through properly calibrated optical metrology systems empower industries to maintain quality control, enhance efficiency, and drive continuous improvement.

How to calibrate your industrial vision system.

We’re often asked about the process for carrying out calibration on our automated vision inspection machines. After all, vision systems are based on pixels whose size is arbitrarily dependent on the sensor resolutions, fields-of-view and optical quality. It’s important that any measurements are validated and confirmed from shift-to-shift, day-to-day. Many vision inspection machines are replacing stand-alone slow probing metrology-based systems, or if it’s an in-line system, it will be performing multiple measurements on a device at high speed. Automating metrology measurement helps reduce cycle time and boost productivity in medical device manufacturing; therefore, accuracy and repeatability are critical.

In the realm of optical metrology, the utilisation of machine vision technology has brought about a transformative shift. However, to ensure that the results of the vision equipment have a meaning that everyone understands, the automated checks must be calibrated against recognised standards, facilitating compliance with industry regulations, certifications, and customer requirements.

The foundational science that instils confidence in the interpretation and accuracy of measurements is known as metrology. It encompasses all aspects of measurement, from meticulous planning and execution to meticulous record-keeping and evaluation, along with the computation of measurement uncertainties. The objectives of metrology extend beyond the mere execution of measurements; they encompass the establishment and maintenance of measurement standards, the development of innovative and efficient techniques, and the promotion of widespread recognition and acceptance of measurements.

For metrology measurements, we need a correlation between the pixels and the real-world environment. For those of you who want the technical detail, we’re going to dive down into the basis for the creation of individual pixels and how the base pixel data is created. In reality, the users of our vision systems need not know this level of technical detail, as the main aspect is the calibration process itself – so you can skip the next few paragraphs if you want to!

The camera sensor is split into individual pixels in machine vision. Each pixel represents a tiny light-sensitive region that, when exposed to light, creates an electric charge. When an image is acquired, the vision system captures the amount of charge produced at each pixel position and stores it in a memory array. A protocol is used to produce a uniform reference system for pixel positions. The top left corner of the picture is regarded the origin, and a coordinate system with the X-axis running horizontally across the rows of the sensor and the Y-axis running vertically down the columns is utilised.

The pixel positions inside the image may be described using the X and Y coordinates in this coordinate system. For example, the top left pixel is called (0,0), the pixel to its right is called (1,0), the pixel below it is called (0,1), and so on. This convention enables the image’s pixels to be referred to in a consistent and standardised manner. So this method provides a way (in combination with sub-pixel processing) to provide a standard reference coordinate position for a set of pixels combined to create an edge, feature or “blob”.

In machine vision, metrology calibration involves the mapping of the pixel coordinates of the vision system sensor back to real-world coordinates. This “mapping” ties the distances measured back to the real-world measurements, i.e., back to millimetres, microns or other defined measurement system. In the absence of a calibration, any edges, lines or points measured would all be relative to pixel measurements only. But quality engineers need real, tangible measurements to validate the production process – so all systems must be pre-calibrated to known measurements.

The process of calibration ensures traceability of measurements to recognised standards, facilitating compliance with industry regulations, certifications, and customer requirements. It enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of measurement data.

How do you calibrate the vision system in real-world applications?

Utilising certified calibration artifacts or reference objects with known dimensions and properties is essential. These standards serve as benchmarks for system calibration, enabling the establishment of accurate measurement references. Proper calibration guarantees that measurements are free from systematic errors, ensuring the reliability and consistency of the data collected. The method of calibration will depend on if the system is a 2D or 3D vision system.

For a 2D vision system, common practice is to use slides with scales carved or printed on them, referred to as micrometre slides, stage graticules, and calibration slides. There is a diverse range of sizes, subdivision accuracy, and patterns of the scales. These slides are used to measure the calibration of vision systems. These calibration pieces are traceable back to national standards, which is key to calibrating the vision inspection machine effectively. A machined piece can also be used with traceability certification, this is convenient when you need a specific measurement to calibrate from for your vision metrology inspection.

One form of optical distortion is called linear perspective distortion. This type of distortion occurs when the optical axis is not perpendicular to the object being imaged. A chart can be used with a pre-defined pattern to compensate for this distortion through software. The calibration system does not compensate for spherical distortions and aberrations introduced by the lens, so this is something to be aware of.

For 3D vision, you no longer need pricey bespoke artefacts or specifically prepared calibration sheets. Either the sensor is factory calibrated or a single round item in the shape of a sphere suffices. Calibrate and synchronise the vision sensor by sending calibrated component measurements to the IVS machine. You will instantly receive visible feedback that you may check and assess during the calibration process.

How often do I need to re-calibrate a vision system?

We often get asked this question, since optimal performance and accuracy of optical metrology systems can diminish over time due to factors like wear and tear or component degradation. Establishing a regular calibration schedule ensures consistent and reliable measurements. However, it’s often down to the application requirements, and the customer needs based on their validation procedures. This can take place once a shift, every two weeks, one a month or even once a year.

One final aspect is storage, all our vision inspection machines come with calibration storage built into the machine itself. It’s important to store the calibration piece carefully, use it as determined from the validation process, and keep it clean and free from dirt.

Overall, calibration is often automatic, and the user need never know this level of detail on how the calibration procedure operates. But it’s useful to have an understanding of the pixel to real-world data and to know that all systems are calibrated back to traceable national standards.

The complete guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning (DL) for machine vision systems.

Where are we at, and what is the future?

We had a break from the blog last month while we worked on this latest piece, as it’s a bit of a beast. This month we discuss artificial intelligence (AI) for machine vision systems. An area with much hype due to the introduction of AI language models such as ChatGPT and AI image models like DALLE. AI is starting to take hold for vision systems, but what’s it all about? And is it viable?

Where are we at?

Let’s start at the beginning. The term “AI” is an addendum for a process that has been around for the last twenty years in machine vision but has only now become more prolific (or should we say, the technology has matured to the point of mass deployment). We provided vision systems in the early 00’s using low-level neural networks for feature differentiation and classification. These were primarily used for simple segmentation and character verification. These networks were basic and had limited capability. Nonetheless, the process we used then to train the network is the same as it is now, but on a much larger scale. Back then, we called it a “neural network”; now it’s termed artificial intelligence.

The term artificial intelligence is coined as the network has some level of “intelligence” to learn by example and expand its knowledge on iterative training levels. The initial research into computer vision AI discovered that human vision has a hierarchical structure on how neurons respond to various stimuli. Simple features, such as edges, are detected by neurons, which then feed into more complex features, such as shapes, which finally feed into more complex visual representations. This builds individual blocks into “images” the brain can perceive. You can think of pixel data in industrial vision systems as the building blocks of synthetic image data. Pixel data is collected on the image sensor and transmitted to the processor as millions of individual pixels of differing greyscale or colour. For example, a line is simply a collection of like-level pixels in a row with edges that transition pixel by pixel in grey level difference to an adjacent location.

Neural networks AI vision attempts to recreate how the human brain learns edges, shapes and structures. Neural networks consist of layers of processing units. The sole function of the first layer is to receive the input signals and transfer them to the next layer and so on. The following layers are called “hidden layers”, because they are not directly visible to the user. These do the actual processing of the signals. The final layer translates the internal representation of the pattern created by this processing into an output signal, directly encoding the class membership of the input pattern. Neural networks of this type can realise arbitrarily complex relationships between feature values and class designations. The relationship incorporated in the network depends on the weights of the connections between the layers and the number of layers – and can be derived by special training algorithms from a set of training patterns. The end result is a “web” of connections between the networks in a non-linear fashion. All of this is to try and mimic how the brain operates in learning.

With this information in hand, vision engineering developers have been concentrating their efforts on digitally reproducing human neural architecture, which is how the development of AI came into being. When it comes to perceiving and analysing visual stimuli, computer vision systems employ a hierarchical approach, just like their biological counterparts do. Traditional machine vision inspection continued in this vein, but AI requires a holistic view of all the data to compare and develop against.

So, the last five years have seen an explosion in the development of artificial intelligence, deep learning vision systems. These systems are based on neural network development in computer vision in tandem with the development of AI in other software engineering fields. All are generally built on an automatic differentiation library to implement neural networks in a simple, easy-to-configure solution. Deep learning AI vision solutions incorporate artificial intelligence-driven defect finding, combined with visual and statistical correlations, to help pinpoint the core cause of a quality control problem.

To keep up with this development, vision systems have evolved into manufacturing AI and data gathering platforms, as the need for vision data for training becomes an essential element for all AI vision systems compared to deploying traditional machine vision algorithms. Traditional vision algorithms still need image data for development, but not to the same extent as needed for deep learning. This means vision platforms have developed to integrate visual and parametric data into a single digital thread from the development stage of the vision project all the way through production quality control deployment on the shop floor.

In tandem with the proliferation of the potential use of AI in vision systems is the explosion in suppliers of data-gathering “AI platforms”. These systems are more of a housekeeping exercise for image gathering, segmentation and human classification before the submission to the neural network, rather than being a quantum leap in image processing or a clear differential compared to traditional machine vision. Note: most of these companies have “AI” in their titles. These platforms allow for clear presentation of the images and the easy submission to the network for computation of the neural algorithm. Still, all are based on the same overall architecture.

The deep learning frameworks – Tensorflow or PyTorch – what are they?

Tensorflow and PyTorch are the two main deep learning frameworks developers of machine vision AI systems use. Each was developed by Google and Facebook, respectively. They are used as a base for developing the AI models at a low level, generally with a graphical user interface (GUI) above it for image sorting.

TensorFlow is a symbolic math toolkit that is best suited for dataflow programming across a variety of workloads. It provides many abstraction levels for modelling and training. It’s a promising and rapidly growing deep learning solution for machine vision developers. It provides a flexible and comprehensive ecosystem of community resources, libraries, and tools for building and deploying machine-learning apps. Recently, Tensorflow has integrated Keras into the framework, a precursor to Tensorflow.

PyTorch is a highly optimised deep learning tensor library built on Python and Torch. Its primary use is for applications that use graphics processing units (GPUs) and central processing units (CPUs). Vision system vendors favour PyTorch over other Deep Learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and Keras because it employs dynamic computation networks and is entirely written in Python. It gives researchers, software engineers, and neural network debuggers the ability to test and run sections of the code in real-time. Because of this, users do not have to wait for the entirety of the code to be developed before determining whether or not a portion of the code works.

Whichever solution is used for deployment, the same pros and cons apply in general to machine vision solutions utilising deep learning.

What are the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence deep learning in machine vision systems?

Well, there are a few key takeaways when considering using artificial intelligence deep learning in vision systems. These offer pros and cons when considering whether AI is the appropriate tool for industrial vision system deployment.


Industrial machine vision systems must have high yield, so we are talking 100% correct identification of faults, in substitute for accepting some level of false failure rate. There is always a trade-off in this process in setting up vision systems to ensure you err on the side of caution so that real failures are guaranteed to be picked up and automatically rejected by the vision system. But with AI inspection, the yields are far from perfect, primarily because the user has no control of the processing functionality that has made the decision on what is deemed a failure. A result of pass or fail is simply given for the outcome. The neural network having been trained from a vast array of both good and bad failures. This “low” yield (though still above 96%) is absolutely fine for most requirements of deep learning (e.g. e-commerce, language models, general computer vision), but for industrial machine vision, this is not acceptable in most application requirements. This needs to be considered when thinking about deploying deep learning.

It takes a lot of image data. Sometimes thousands, or tens of thousands of training images are required for the AI machine vision system to start the process. This shouldn’t be underestimated. And think about the implications for deployment in a manufacturing facility –you have to install and run the system to gather data before the learning part can begin. With traditional machine vision solutions, this is not the case, development can be completed before deployment, so the time-to-market is quicker.

Most processing is completed on reduced-resolution images. It should be understood that most (if not all) deep learning vision systems will reduce the image size down to a manageable size to process in a timely manner. Therefore, resolution is immediately lost from a mega-pixel resolution image down to a few hundred pixels. Data is compromised and lost.

There are no existing data sets for the specific vision system task. Unlike AI deep learning vision systems used in other industries, such as driverless cars or crowd scene detection, there are usually no pre-defined data sets to work from. In those industries, if you want to detect a “cat”, “dog”, or “human”, there is available data sources for fast-tracking the development of your AI vision system. Invariably in industrial machine vision, we look at a specific widget or part fault with no pre-determined visual data source to refer to. Therefore, the image data has to be collected, sorted and trained.

You need good, bad and test images. You need to be very careful in selecting the images into the correct category for processing. A “bad” image in the “good” pile of 10,000 images is hard to spot and will train the network to recognise bad as good. So, the deep learning system is only as good as the data provided to it for training and how it is categorised. You must also have a set of reference images to test the network with.

You sometimes don’t get definitive data on the reason for failure. You can think of the AI deep learning algorithm as a black box. So, you feed the data in and it will provide a result. Most of the time you won’t know why it passed or failed a part, or for what reason, only that it did. This makes deploying such AI vision systems into validated industries (such as medical devices, life sciences and pharmaceuticals) problematic.

You need a very decent GPU & PC system for training. A standard PC won’t be sufficient for the processing required in training the neural network. While the PC used for the runtime need be nothing special, your developers will need a high graphics memory PC with a top-of-the-range processer. Don’t underestimate this.


They do make good decisions in challenging circumstances. Imagine your part requiring automated inspection has a supplier constantly supplying a changing surface texture for your widget. This would be a headache for traditional vision systems, which is almost unsolvable. For AI machine vision, this sort of application is naturally suited.

They are great for anomaly detection which is out of the ordinary. One of the main benefits of AI-based vision systems is the ability to spot a defect that has never been seen before and is “left field” from what was expected. With traditional machine vision systems, the algorithm is developed to predict a specific condition, be it the grey scale of a feature, the size in pixels which deems a part to fail, or the colour match to confirm a good part. But if your part in a million that is a failure has a slight flaw that hasn’t been accounted for, the traditional machine vision system might miss it, whereas the AI deep learning machine vision system might well spot it.

They are useful as a secondary inspection tactic. You’ve exhausted all traditional methods of image processing, but you still have a small percentage of faults which are hard to classify against your known classification database. You have the image data, and the part fails when it should, but you want to drill down to complete a final analysis to improve your yield even more. This is the perfect scenario for AI deep learning deployment. You have the data, understand the fault and can train on lower-resolution segments for more precise classification. This is probably where AI deep learning vision adoption growth will increase over the coming years.

They are helpful when traditional algorithms can’t be used. You’ve tried all conventional segmentation methods, pixel measurement, colour matching, character verification, surface inspection or general analysis – nothing works! This is where AI can step in. The probable cause of the traditional algorithms not operating is the consistency in the part itself which is when deep learning should be tried.

Finally, it might just be the case that deep learning AI is not required for the vision system application. Traditional vision system algorithms are still being developed. They are entirely appropriate to use in many applications where deep learning has recently become the first point of call for solving the machine vision requirement. Think of artificial intelligence in vision systems as a great supplement and a potential tool in the armoury, but to be used wisely and appropriately for the correct machine vision application.

Learn more about Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deep Learning here:

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Automated Vision Metrology: The Future of Manufacturing Quality Control

In-line visual quality control is more crucial than ever in today’s competitive medical device production environment. To keep ahead of the competition, manufacturers must ensure that their products fulfil the highest standards. One of the most effective ways to attain this goal is through automated vision metrology using vision technology.

So what do we mean by this? There are several traditional methods that a quality manager uses to keep tabs on the production quality. In the past, this would have been the use of a collection of slow CMM metrology machines to inspection the product one at a time. CMMs measure the coordinates of points on a part using a touch probe. This information can then be used to calculate the dimensions, surface quality and tolerances of the part. So we are not talking about high-speed vision inspection solutions in this context, but the precise, micron level, precision metrology inspection for measurements and surface defects.

The use of computer-controlled vision inspection equipment to measure and examine products is known as automated vision metrology. These vision systems offer several advantages over manual inspection CMM-type probing methods. For starters, automated metrology is faster. This is due to the fact that machines can perform measurements with great precision and repeatability at speed, as there is no need to touch the product, it’s non-contact vision assessment. Second, real-time inspection of parts is possible with automated metrology. This enables firms to detect and rectify flaws early in the manufacturing process, before they become costly issues.

Advantages of Automated Vision Metrology
The use of automated metrology in manufacturing has many intrinsic benefits. These include:

  • Decreased inspection time: Compared to manual inspection procedures, automated vision metrology systems can inspect parts significantly faster. This can save a significant amount of time during the manufacturing process.
  • Specific CTQ: Vision inspection systems can be set to measure specific critical to quality elements with great precision and reproducibility.
  • Non-contact vision inspection: As the vision camera system has no need to touch the product, it has no chance of scratching or adding to the surface quality problems which a touch probe inevitably has. This is especially important in industries such as orthopaedic joint and medical device tooling manufacturing.
  • Enhanced productivity: Automated vision metrology systems can be equipped with autoloaders, allowing for the fast throughput of products without the need for an operator to manually load a product into a costly fixture. Manufacturers can focus on other tasks that demand human judgement and inventiveness by freeing up human workers from manual inspection tasks.

Modern production relies heavily on automated vision metrology. It has several advantages, including enhanced accuracy, less inspection time, improved quality control, increased production, and higher product quality. With automated loading options now readily available, speed of inspection for precision metrology measurements can be completed at real production rates.

Overall, automated vision metrology is a potent tool for improving the quality and efficiency of production processes. It is an excellent addition to any manufacturing organisation wanting to increase quality control at speed, and make inspection more efficient compared to traditional CMM probing methods.

Clinical insight: 3 ways to minimise automated inspection errors in your medical device production line

Your vision system monitoring your production quality is finally validated and running 24/7, with the PQ behind you it’s time to relax. Or so you thought! It’s important that vision systems are not simply consigned to maintenance without an understanding of the potential automated inspection errors and what to look out for once your machine vision system is installed and running. These are three immediate ways to minimise inspection errors in your medical device, pharma or life science vision inspection solution.

1. Vision system light monitor.
As part of the installation of the vision system, most modern machine vision solutions in medical device manufacturing will have light controllers and the ability to compensate for any changes in the light degradation over time. Fading is a slow process but needs to be monitored. LEDs are made up of various materials such as semiconductors, substrates, encapsulants, and connectors. Over time, these materials can degrade, leading to reduced light output and colour shift. It’s important in a validated solution to understand these issues and have either an automated approach to the changing light condition through close loop control of grey level monitoring, or a manual assessment on a regular interval. It’s something to definitely keep an eye on.

2. Calibration pieces.
For a vision machines preforming automated metrology inspection the calibration is an important aspect. The calibration process will have been defined as part of the validation and production plan. Typically the calibration of a vision system will normally in the form of a calibrated slide with graticules, a datum sphere or a machined piece with traceability certification. Following from this would have been the MSA Type 1 Gauge Studies, this the starting point prior to a G R&R to determine the difference between an average set of measurements and a reference value (bias) of the vision system. Finally the system would be validated with the a Gauge R&R, which is an industry-standard methodology used to investigate the repeatability and reproducibility of the measurement system. So following this the calibration piece will be a critical part of the automated inspection calibration process. It’s important to store the calibration piece carefully, use it as determined from the validation process and keep it clean and free from debris. Make sure your calibration pieces are protected.

3. Preventative maintenance.
Vision system preventative maintenance is essential in the manufacturing of medical devices because it helps to ensure that the vision systems performs effectively over the intended lifespan. Medical devices are used to diagnose, treat, and monitor patients, and they play an important part in the delivery of healthcare. If these devices fail, malfunction, or are not properly calibrated, substantial consequences can occur, including patient damage, higher healthcare costs, and legal culpability for the manufacturer. Therefore, any automated machine vision system which is making a call on the quality of the product (at speed), must be maintained and checked regularly. Preventative maintenance of the vision systems involves inspecting, testing, cleaning, and calibrating the system on a regular basis, as well as replacing old or damaged parts.

Medical device makers benefit from implementing a preventative maintenance for the vision system in the following ways –
Continued reliability: Regular maintenance of the machine vision system can help identify and address potential issues before they become serious problems, reducing the risk of device failure and increasing device reliability.
Extend operational lifespan: Regular maintenance can help extend the lifespan of the vision system, reducing the need for costly repairs and replacements.
Ensure regulatory compliance: Medical device manufacturers are required to comply with strict regulatory standards (FDS, GAMP, ISPE) and regular maintenance is an important part of meeting these standards.

These three steps will ultimately help to lessen the exposure of the manufacture to production faults, and stop errors being introduced into the medical devices vision system production process. By reducing errors in the machine vision system the manufacturer can keep production running smoothly, increase yield and reduce downtime.

IVS and AMRC announce smart workbench of the future

A next-generation smart workbench to showcase the latest production technologies has been developed by IVS in collaboration with AMRC Cymru. The Smart Workbench combines a mixed reality headset, smart tooling, 3D and 2D machine vision, seven-axis robotics, intelligent projection, pick-to-light and automation into one complete demonstration cell. The bench is designed to showcase the combined use of these cutting-edge technologies in a cell which can be used for demonstrations, research and development at AMRC Cymru, which is part of the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult cluster of research centres.

IVS combined the mixed reality environment with the various disparate tools and robotic assembly build, providing a step-by-step process control for an engineer to follow. With the mixed reality unit being an integral component, IVS has developed a template for an immersive inspection environment to assist users. AMRC Cymru will then use the data gathered from these processes to dig deeper into the potential applications of these tech combos in future manufacturing settings.

Earl Yardley, Industrial Vision Systems Director, said: “We’re very excited about the work we have completed with AMRC Cymru. We see the increased use of Mixed Reality combined with industrial automation and machine vision as a pivotal technology for next-generation factories. Imagine operators with physical items around them, such as components and assemblies, but with the ability to also interact with digital content, such as a shared document that updates in real-time to the cloud or instruction animations for assembly. That is, in essence, the promise of mixed reality. It’s an incredibly exciting technology for future production environments.”

The smart workbench also combines both 2D and 3D machine vision. By generating a point cloud of information, 3D machine vision enables the vision system to inspect and confirm positional off-sets with the robot, facilitating the automated inspection of complicated assemblies, subassemblies, and individual components. Together with a collaborative seven-axis robot arm, this enables the benchtop assembly of parts on the smart workbench. This is an essential area of research for future manufacturing settings since it can be paired with the pick-to-light system for full collaboration between humans and robots.

Andrew Silcox, research director at AMRC Cymru, said: “We are delighted to be working with IVS to develop SMART workstation applications for our industrial partners. AMRC Cymru believes that SMART workstations equipped with collaborative robot technologies will be a key component of our future factories as they enable us to merge the productivity and repeatability of automation with the adaptability and dexterity of a human.”

The smart workbench also includes operator traceability and security with RFID (Radio-frequency identification) tags providing the ability for the bench to adjust according to the operator’s height and store data against the operator ID. This is linked to the factory information system at AMRC Cymru, and, ultimately to AMRC’s bespoke Factory+ demonstrating how data exchange to factory information systems, and clear human-machine interfaces, are critical elements for the factory of tomorrow.

It is hoped the Smart Workbench can be utilised by all members and visitors of AMRC Cymru to research future ideas and concepts for manufacturing knowledge. Combining different production process elements in unique combinations, the smart workbench is seen as a modern tool for the future of manufacturing technology.